Program Learning Outcome

Program Learning Outcome

At the end of the undergraduate study, the graduates of the Bachelor of Informatic Engineering must have the following competencies:


  1. Humanitarian and Social Awareness.
    Having ability to solve humanitarian and social issues, open minded, and concerned with academic / professional ethics. 

  2. Professional, Responsibility, and Sustainable Learning
    Demonstrate professional attitude in boundary conditions; having ability and responsibility to work independently and/or as a team; and be ready for sustainability learning.


  1. Leadership and Communication.
    Having managerial and communication skills to maintain their subordinates. In addition, the communicative skills (written and oral) will support their role to initiate and expand collaboration networks with their former supervisors, colleagues, and potential partners inside and/or across the institution/ country and manage possible conflicts.

  2. Entrepreneurship Experiences.
    Being able to design, initiate and/or implement a business, maintain the business, expand it, and even support it with information technology to evaluate its progress by elaborating data analysis knowledge. 

  3. Information Technology Knowledge. 
    Having ability to design and develop an IT system based on the recent evaluation; then evaluate performance improvement of the updated system. 

  4. Scientific Logic.
    Being able to apply critical/computational thinking logically, systematically, and innovatively; and do research based on their obtained knowledge and technology. In addition, the graduates are also urged to write scientific papers. 


  1. Fundamental and Engineering Knowledge.
    Having strong basic knowledge (mathematics, computations, statistics, system computer, and network) and solving complex problems. 

  2. Data Engineering Solution.
    Having knowledge and expertise as a data analyst and/or data engineer; AI system developers; IoT developers; information system developers; system administrators; and database administrators.

  3. Knowledge of Contemporary Issues and Local Wisdom.
    Being experienced on local problems such as physical resources and human resources; and being able to solve and evaluate local problems using advanced technology.