
The desire to establish an Informatics Engineering Study Program was actually stated in the UNRAM Strategic Plan 1996 – 2005, and reaffirmed in the UNRAM Strategic Plan 2005 – 2014. This activity is fully supported by the Electrical Engineering Study Program which has resources in this field.

Along with the pressure from various parties, the Rector’s Decree No. 1399/H18.11.4/KU/2009 was finally issued regarding the preparation of the opening of the Informatics Engineering Study Program under the Faculty of Engineering. The proposal for the opening of the Informatics Engineering Study Program at the University of Mataram was prepared with reference to Government Regulation No. 60 of 1999 concerning Higher Education, Decree of the Minister of National Education No. 234/U/2000 concerning Guidelines for the Establishment of Higher Education and Decree of the Director General of Higher Education No. 108/DIKTI/Kep/2001 concerning Guidelines for Opening Study Programs and / or Departments Based on Ministerial Decree No. 234/U/2000. These regulations are studied and used as guidelines in planning and preparing the proposal for the opening of this Informatics Engineering Study Program. The curriculum that will be used is prepared by referring to the Decree of the Minister of National Education number 232/U/2000 concerning Guidelines for the Preparation of Higher Education Curricula and Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes, Decree of the Minister of National Education No. 045/U/2002 concerning the Core Curriculum for Higher Education.

Along with the development of Information and Communication Technology, and its increasing utilization in the NTB region, the University of Mataram, as the only state university in the province, wishes to play a role in developing NTB through the provision of reliable ICT personnel. This has been stated in the UNRAM Strategic Plan 1996-2005, and reaffirmed in the Strategic Plan 2005 – 2014. Finally, P2T Decree No. 1399/H18.11.4/KU/2009 was issued regarding the preparation of the establishment of the Informatics Engineering Study Program at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Mataram.

The desire was fully supported by the Electrical Engineering Study Program which has resources in this field. Based on the feasibility study conducted, the desire to establish this study program was very well received by the people of NTB, even the Governor of NTB gave a letter of recommendation for the establishment of the study program.

Based on the results of the study, a proposal for the establishment of the study program was made with reference to Government Regulation No. 60 of 1999 concerning Higher Education, Decree of the Minister of National Education No. 234/U/2000 concerning Guidelines for the Establishment of Higher Education and Decree of the Director General of Higher Education No. 108/DIKTI/Kep/2001 concerning Guidelines for the Opening of Study Programs and or Departments Based on Ministerial Decree No. 234/U/2000. These regulations are studied and used as guidelines in planning and preparing the proposal for the opening of this Informatics Engineering Study Program. The curriculum that will be used is prepared by referring to the Minister of National Education Decree No. 232/U/2000 concerning Guidelines for the Preparation of Higher Education Curricula and Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes, Minister of National Education Decree No. 045/U/2002 concerning the Core Curriculum for Higher Education, ACM Curriculum and APTIKOM curriculum.

Finally, on June 5, 2012, the Minister of Education and Culture Decree No. 105/E/0/2012 was issued regarding the operational permit for the Informatics Engineering Study Program at the University of Mataram. Based on the operational permit, in August 2012, the first batch of new students was recruited through independent channels. This was because the operational license came down after the implementation of the SNMPTN in 2012. However, unexpectedly there were a lot of enthusiasts, so they had to increase the quota from 1 class to 2 classes.