General Lecture “Smart City” from Seoul National University

Prof. Junseok Hwang, Director of Global R&DB Seoul National University (SNU) gave a Public Lecture on Wednesday, February 8, 2023 at the Dome Building, Mataram University (Unram).

The topic of this public lecture discusses “New Use of Data and Knowledge in Smart Cities for Smart Civilization”.Prof. Dr. Eng. I Gede Pasek Suta Wijaya, S.T., M.T. as the Head of Unram Informatics Engineering Study Program said that the topic of this public lecture is very interesting and important to be shared with Unram students.

“Prof. Hwang is one of the experts in the field of smart civilization, so this is an opportunity and opportunity for all of us to get a public lecture from him.Where smart cities are also one of the technologies that we must implement to become a developed country,” said Prof. Pasek.Prof. Hwang also told the success story of the transformation process of several cities into smart cities in South Korea, such as Busan Eco Delta Smart City (Green Field) and Siheung Hyper-Smart City (Regeneration).

“I hope that this smart civilization can soon be adopted in Indonesia, especially in Lombok and Mataram University,” said Prof. Hwang.

(UNRAM Public Relations Team)