Passionate Programmer Thrives in Computer Science Education, Gaining Valuable Insights and Character Development at Universitas Mataram

I have a passion for programming and decided to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science at the Computer Science Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Mataram (PSTI UNRAM), which is a choice that aligns well with my interests. At this campus, I gained exceptional academic experience. The content provided and teaching techniques from the professors broadened my insights into IT and its applications.

Our professors not only delivered course content but also shared relevant experiences, giving me a better understanding of applying the knowledge in the industrial world. The professors not only recognized me in the classroom but also considered me a friend in social activities, including involving me in project teams and inviting me to join recreational activities outside of campus. The professors not only taught me how to build a ship but also depicted the beauty of the ocean, further fueling my interest in the field.

At this campus, my mindset has improved significantly, and I can feel the benefits in the professional world. I am now capable of being accountable for my work, explaining tasks scientifically, possessing a strong work ethic, remaining resilient, and demonstrating good problem-solving skills. In summary, besides acquiring knowledge, I also underwent character development.

Diaz Guntur Febrian,
Lead Developer,
Supercharge Interactive, Singapore